Sanded, chopped, brushed, steamed, with wormholes or with the original surface. You decide.
Each panel type is sorted according to various criteria. Therefore the top layer is available smoothed, chopped, brushed or strongly or lightly steamed, with woodworm holes or in its original state.
The standard middle layer of a Uniword 3-layer panel is either “new spruce” or “new oak”. According to our clients’ wishes ,the middle layer is processed with special features (for example, fire safety or light weight construction).
Uniwood also uses old wood on the back of a 3-layer panel. The backs of the panels are provided according to our standards of smoothing, repaired or nonrepaired wood.
Uniwood 3-layer panels are glued using an amino based adhesive. Only this way will the products have a natural and healthy finish.
Glues for use in sauna areas: EPI-Systems
Glues for use in humid areas: Phenol resin
The symmetrical structuring of a Uniword 3-layer panel ensures its stability.
All types of panels are repaired by hand using real wood. This keeps the wood surface looking natural and harmonious.
There are numerous application possibilities for all Uniwood 3-layer panels. For example, the panels can be used for flooring, wall paneling, furniture or doors.
Thickness: 19 mm (6,5/6,5/6,5), 27 mm (6,5/15/6,5), 42 mm (6,5/30/6,5).
Length (spruce): 2200, 2560, 3000, 3500 & 4000 mm.
Length (Oak): 1500, 1800, 2000, 2200, 2560, 3000, 3500 & 4000 mm.